Thursday, July 26, 2012

SotR13 Conference Advisory Board

Well, it's been posted over at for a week or so now, but SOTR13 is on, and I was fortunate enough to be accepted to the Conference Advisory Board!  So far its been a blast, and I am very much looking forward to my second trip to Scotland.  June 6-7th 2013 can't come fast enough for me.

For SotR11, I was fortunate enough to win the conference pass and hotel stay!  It was fantastic, the Fuzzy Orange crew did a great job and really made me feel at home.  At the same point, I felt indebted to them for even giving away tickets and so I spent tons of time with them, setting up the lanyards, packing the grab bags and any other odd jobs I could do.  It was a really great feeling to be able to help out in this way.

This time, I still get to do all that fun stuff, but also some of the other earlier planning as well.  I am really looking forward to once again working with the FO crew and the rest of the CAB to pull off an amazing event!  Keep watching the SotR website as we will post information as we go.  Don't forget to follow @sotr on Twitter and to sign up for the newsletter on the website.  Looking forward to seeing you all next June in Edinburgh!

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