Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Charts in ColdFusion Reports

So, I have taken to using ColdFusion Reports quite a bit more than I am used to I guess. I find them pretty usable most of the time. The interface for editing them is not the greatest, but I am hoping for a BIG improvement to come with CF10 - maybe an integration with CFB v. 2?

Anyways, my current beef is with the charting. I have a couple of SIMPLE bar charts, it generates just fine, not a big deal. However my client thinks that the labels would look sooo much nicer (along the X axis) if they were on an angle... Has anyone come across this? Is there a way to modify the CFR to handle this, or just the way that the chart is created? The CFR is not a human-readable format.

Would it be easier to create the chart in CF and save it as an image to insert into the CFR? That however seems like a ridiculous amount of work when Charts are built-in...

Thanks for any direction. If I come up with a solution, I will blog about it.



  1. Have you dig into Modifying the chart style XML files?

    Maybe one of the settings there will satisfy your needs.

  2. @Henry,

    I guess I will take a look. I didn't think that the chart XML files would affect a CFR. I will see. (although a quick look at the docs does not show a x-axis text angle option)



  3. You'd think the client would be more content with correct reporting than slanted labels ;-) Anyhow, customer is king, so slanted labels it is then. Ray Camden has done a lot of digging into the XML of CF-charts, so you'd might consider searching his blog.

  4. You'd think the client would be more content with correct reporting than slanted labels ;-) Anyhow, customer is king, so slanted labels it is then. Ray Camden has done a lot of digging into the XML of CF-charts, so you'd might consider searching his blog.
