Monday, August 17, 2009

CFUnited 2009 - The cheap way

Alright, so, I was not able to attend CFUnited this year, although I REALLY wanted to! It just sounded sooo good, and following what people say on Twitter is not nearly as good as being there, or so I have heard!

Anyways, I am still attending, just after it is all done by using SlideSix, this is the BEST website for presentation sharing and it seems that the majority (if not all, I haven't done an in-depth comparison of sessions scheduled vs. presentations available) of presenters at CFUnited have posted their presentations to SlideSix.

It seems that the CFUnited site will also have all those presentations as well, although I would venture to say that SlideSix would make more sense, seeing as some of the presentations are already there. I think that the CFU gang should just upload them all there... (maybe Todd doesn't want that.. server overload :P)

Anyways, if you are like me and didn't get to go and have fun and get a head full while you were there, at least the presentations are available.... now to figure out how to get beer and the pool party over the internet....


  1. Thanks Rob - and for the record, I'd be more then happy to host all of them!

  2. The plan is to make the presentations free to the public even on our website (having a little bug issue but it'll get up there soon!). If Todd wants to host all of them there, I'm happy to support that! I'm going to post a survey on our site for attendees and non-attendees with a few questions. Hopefully everyone appreciates that the presentations are free for everyone enough that they can provide just a little insight for what we should do in the future. I'll even thrown in a raffle each month to those who fill it out. Stay tuned...


  3. Liz,
    That is awesome news, and I knew that you guys were posting the presentations :)....

    Oh, and I also don't want this construed as a 'CFUnited is too expensive' post! I just couldn't afford to go myself, and noticed via Twitter (@slidesix) that there were a LOT of presentations being added.

    Looking forward to seeing it in person next year!

